Constitutional Law
Monopoly, Innovation, and Due Process: FTC v. Qualcomm and the Imperative to Destroy, 6 Criterion Journal on Innovation 1 (2020).
An Economic Theory of Censorship Revisited, 5 Criterion Journal on Innovation 101 (2020).
Capitalism, Socialism, and the Constitution, 4 Criterion Journal on Innovation 801 (2019).
Memorandum: Will the International Trade Commission or the Antitrust Division Set Policy on Monopoly and Innovation?, 3 Criterion Journal on Innovation 701 (2018).
The Tempting of American Antitrust Law: An Open Letter to President Trump, 2 Criterion Journal on Innovation 201 (2017).
How Commissioner Vestager's Mistaken Views on Standard-Essential Patents Illustrate Why President Trump Needs a Unified Policy on Antitrust and Innovation, 1 Criterion Journal on Innovation 721 (2016).
Does the Telephone Consumer Protection Act Violate Due Process as Applied?, 68 Florida Law Review 1403 (2016).
Abolishing the Letter-Box Monopoly, 1 Criterion Journal on Innovation 401 (2016).
Is Uber Unconstitutional?, 1 Criterion Journal on Innovation 179 (2016).
The Quasi War Cases—and Their Relevance to Whether the "Letters of Marque" Constrain Presidential War Powers, 27 Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy 465 (2005).
Competition Law for State-Owned Enterprises, 71 Antitrust Law Journal 479 (2003).
An Economic Theory of Censorship, 11 Supreme Court Economic Review 81 (2003).
The Price of Experience: The Constitution After September 11, 2001, 19 Constitutional Commentary 37 (2002).
The Legislator-in-Chief, 44 William & Mary Law Review 1 (2002).
The Efficient Allocation of Proceeds from a Utility's Sale of Assets, 22 Energy Law Journal 233 (2001).
Mr. Justice Nemo's Social Statics, 79 Texas Law Review 737 (2001).
True God of the Next Justice, 18 Constitutional Commentary 9 (2001).
Essential Facilities, 51 Stanford Law Review 1187 (1999).
The Petty Larceny of the Police Power, 86 California Law Review 655 (1998).
Givings, Takings, and the Fallacy of Forward-Looking Costs, 72 New York University Law Review 1068 (1997).
The Tragedy of the Telecommons: Government Pricing of Unbundled Network Elements Under the Telecommunications Act of 1996, 97 Columbia Law Review 1081 (1997).
Deregulatory Takings and Breach of the Regulatory Contract, 71 New York University Law Review 851 (1996).
The Line-Item Veto Amendment, 80 Cornell Law Review 1498 (1995).
War, Liberty, and Enemy Aliens, 67 New York University Law Review 1402 (1992).
Why Did President Bush Repudiate the "Inherent" Line-Item Veto?, 9 Journal of Law & Politics 39 (1992).
The Inverse Coase Theorem and Declarations of War, 41 Duke Law Journal 325 (1991).
To Declare War, 41 Duke Law Journal 27 (1991).
Corporate Takeovers, the Commerce Clause, and the Efficient Anonymity of Shareholders, 84 Northwestern University Law Review 1092 (1990).
Four Faces of the Item Veto: A Reply to Tribe and Kurland, 84 Northwestern University Law Journal 437 (1990).
The President's Power of the Purse, 1989 Duke Law Journal 1062 (1989).
The Recommendation Clause, 77 Georgetown Law Journal 2079 (1989).